Saturday, September 20, 2008

36 yrs old......yesterday it was official

The race really is on to get that bun toasting in the oven. Today, did day six of injectable meds, kind of cocked it up, but at least I can give myself tomorrows dose to be ok for mondays scan. Had by bday yesterday - nothing special, hubby got me loads of gift (mainly junk) that I just get myself anyway.
Today however, my son and Iwent to a party in a really nice part of town and we had such a great time, the family was quintessentially American and it was like something out of a movie but we loved it. My son got his hair cut by his dad today, hes looking cuter than ever, if thats possible.
His latest thing hes up to is just rambling on and on about nothing in particular - hilarious. He had such a good time today, they had expansive lawns and grounds so he was just having a great time wandering/ digging/ raking. It was fantastic. I truly have met some wonderful people here in the US.
have been pigging out for 2 whole days now - have no idea how much I'm weighing but don't want to get on those scales, thats for sure.


Michelle said...

Happy Belated birthday!

Meaghan said...

Happy Birthday (sorry a little late)

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